Puzzle #208: Liar Statue Park

This is a Liar Statue Park puzzle.

The rules for Statue Park can be found here: Rules page

In addition to the usual rules of Statue Park, one clue in each row and column is mislabelled. If it is black, then it is not contained in one of the shapes. If it is white, then it is contained in one of the shapes.

Puzzle #150: Trio


This is a trio puzzle of Heyawake, Statue Park, and Yajisan-Kazusan.

The rules for Heyawake can be found here: Rules page

The rules for Statue Park can be found here: Rules page

The rules for Yajisan-Kazusan can be found here: Rules page

In this puzzle, the puzzles solve with all their usual rules. If you overlap their solutions, then each square is shaded exactly once.

Heyawake clues are in orange. There are no given Statue Park clues in the grid, and the bank is an unknown set of tetrominoes. Yajisan-Kazusan clues are in blue.

The three puzzles in separate grids can be found below.

Also, this is easily the hardest puzzle I’ve posted. Good luck!