Posts at GMPuzzles

So that people don’t have to search through any archives, here are links to the puzzles that were posted at GMPuzzles.


Nurikabe (large)


Nurikabe (Yajisan-Kazusan)

Yajisan-Kazusan (No 2×2)

Statue Park (Yajisan-Kazusan)

These are some of my favourite puzzles, so I hope people enjoyed them!

Puzzle #50: Cipher Liar Yajisan-Kazusan


This is a Cipher Liar Yajisan-Kazusan.

The rules for Yajisan-Kazusan can be found here: Rules page

In addition to the usual rules of Yajisan-Kazusan, one clue in every row and every column is mislabelled. If this clue is unshaded, then it does not point to the number of black squares indicated. If it is shaded, then it provides no information.

In addition, each number has been replaced by a letter. Different letters refer to different numbers.


Happy 50th puzzle! Here’s a simple one to celebrate.

Puzzle #49: Liar Yajisan-Kazusan


This is a Liar Yajisan-Kazusan puzzle.

The rules for Yajisan-Kazusan can be found here: Rules page

In addition to the usual rules of Yajisan-Kazusan, one clue in every row and every column is mislabelled. If this clue is unshaded, then it does not point to the number of black squares indicated. If it is shaded, then it provides no information.


This was the first puzzle I ever created. Wanting to create this variant was what got me into creating puzzles in the first place; I hope you enjoy it.